Take Advantage of My Fireplace Cleaning

Cleaning your fireplace is one of your responsibilities as a homeowner. However, tackling this task isn’t a walk in the park, so it’s best to entrust it to experts like Chimney Sweep & Stove Lee Services. I am based in Auburn, CA, and one of my specialties is fireplace cleaning. Book an appointment with me now!

The Importance of Cleaning Your Fireplace

The wood-burning process doesn’t only produce smoke; it also creates several by-products that are harmful to your health and the environment and put you at risk for property damage. One example is creosote, which is a tar-like substance that can stick to the sides of your fireplace and chimney. Creosote is highly flammable and can, therefore, increase the risk of house fires. Other combustion by-products include soot and ashes, which can enter your indoor air and cause you to experience respiratory issues when you breathe them in.

Fortunately, you can avoid health problems and property fires by ensuring that your fireplace is cleaned on a regular basis. Through regular cleaning, you can remove wood burning by-products from your fireplace and chimney and ensure that your home is always conducive to health and safety.

DIY vs. Professional Cleaning

Technically, homeowners can clean their fireplace all by themselves. However, if you haven’t tackled this project and don’t really know where to start, or if you’re simply too busy and have zero time for this task, it’s best to hire specialists like me. By using my top-tier fireplace cleaning, you’re assured that your fireplace will be cleaned according to the highest standards and that every inch of it will be free of combustion by-products. You can also save time and effort since I will handle the cleaning process from start to finish, leaving you with nothing to worry about.

Get in Touch With Me

Chimney Sweep & Stove Lee Services should be your first port of call if you need help with fireplace cleaning. Dial (530) 206-9472 now to book an appointment with me and use my professional solutions in Auburn, CA!

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